South Leeds Lakers Juniors
A free one hour session of athletics from 6 to 7pm every Friday.
For ages 8 to 14yrs.
The sessions involve coaching in run, jump & throw athletic events. Our aim is to make this fun & engaging, so whilst we will coach the basic techniques we will have fun doing it. Our coaches have taken courses with England Athletics & are all at various levels on the coaching pathway.
Please note that all children must be accompanied by an adult. Adults need to stay onsite during the session.
For our weekly track sessions, we meet at
Our sessions are completely FREE. When you arrive simply go straight past reception, out into the stadium & down to the track where the coaching team will be waiting.
Occasionally, some weeks, we may take a break from the track & go trail running in the nearby woods, parents are welcome to join in.
Any child wishing to take part MUST book first using the online booking form, (one booking per child, i.e. if you have two children then it's two forms). See top of page for booking form.
The booking form is usually opened every Monday morning for the following Friday's session. As we have a limit on the number of children taking part each week, we operate on a first come first served basis. When the session is full, the form is closed.
Once you've booked for your very first time, you will receive a welcome letter via email & be added to the parents WhatsApp group. This group is where session information is then shared each Friday.
If you have any queries please contact us at